Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Either sean is going to Italy...or sean is going to Italy!!

AHHH!!! I can't even believe it! Seanie poo got his mission call about a week ago to Milan Italy! He leaves on May 13! I could not be more excited for him! What an amazing mission call.  It makes me sick to think of not having my sean around! He has truly touched my life is so many ways, and been my best friend! I know that he will change the lives of those people in Italy, just as he has changed my life! Sean has a strong testimony of the gospel, and his love for it is contagious! I can't wait for him to write me love letters in Italian!! ha ha Sean Jasper Bullock I love you! love McKell!! 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"It's just your personality..."

As kind as that statement was meant to be...I've come to despise those four words.  I currently am rooming with a wonderful girl named Mary West.  Mary is what we'd like to call the perfect person to save our family of roomates eternal salvation.  Mary hasn't missed a day of going to our ward, she always attends FHE, she does her visiting teaching, she attends the weekly devotional, and she NEVER misses ward prayer.  The Rest of us roomates tell her all the time that she is saving our apartments salvation!  Well I learned earlier this week that Mary and Martha came up with an analogy for this scenario.  Mary is the palm/ hand of our family.  Within this palm Martha, Jennica, and Ricci all proceed with their lives.  I was informed that I was not apart of this palm.  I was told that I'm always dancing around on the fingertips of this hand, and Mary is constantly needing to bend her fingers in an attempt to bring me back to the palm...By this time I'm quite upset and wondering when this "analogy" came about.  Their only excuse for it was don't worry about it McKell..."It's just your personality."  Now whenever i do anything remotely crazy/ scandalous I'm told oh McKell "It's just you personality." yep...I'm pretty upset about this! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Almost 17...

Tonight I witnessed someone far too prideful for his own good. This happens often but tonight it was particularly bugging. A 16 year old male actually had the nerve to ask for a 19 year old female's number! That female happened to be McKell. What's worse is he did it in front of a large group of people. It would have been far too awkward for her to say no. Why would he even think that she would want to give him her number. I mean seriously, it's illegal for goodness sake. Not to mention the fact that she has far older, more mature, and more promising boys in her life. Even if all she can do is email them. People should just know their limits. What is our society coming to?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I can hear the bells...

once upon a time...december 2008 my dearest best friend decided to start dating a male...RM. I know right! Well i have mixed feelings for him because he kept my jessica here in Provo, but i guess you could say things are getting pretty serious! She has been with him everyday since the last friday of christmas break. So it's a really good thing i approve of this james hall because i think he is going to take my best friend away from me. Anyway... new year new start and i'm so happy for her! I've watched her date some pretty big losers...minus jared...it is about time she had someone that treats her right! She deserves the best, and so i'm standing by watching this precious relationship get more intense! it's all ok though because james is in my marriage prep class and getting guidance for marriage so after this semester he will be set to go! This is about all i have to say on the subject! love McKell!