Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"It's just your personality..."

As kind as that statement was meant to be...I've come to despise those four words.  I currently am rooming with a wonderful girl named Mary West.  Mary is what we'd like to call the perfect person to save our family of roomates eternal salvation.  Mary hasn't missed a day of going to our ward, she always attends FHE, she does her visiting teaching, she attends the weekly devotional, and she NEVER misses ward prayer.  The Rest of us roomates tell her all the time that she is saving our apartments salvation!  Well I learned earlier this week that Mary and Martha came up with an analogy for this scenario.  Mary is the palm/ hand of our family.  Within this palm Martha, Jennica, and Ricci all proceed with their lives.  I was informed that I was not apart of this palm.  I was told that I'm always dancing around on the fingertips of this hand, and Mary is constantly needing to bend her fingers in an attempt to bring me back to the palm...By this time I'm quite upset and wondering when this "analogy" came about.  Their only excuse for it was don't worry about it McKell..."It's just your personality."  Now whenever i do anything remotely crazy/ scandalous I'm told oh McKell "It's just you personality." yep...I'm pretty upset about this! 

1 comment:

  1. Kell you can be part of my palm which finger do you want to be? I'll give you first picks! :D Sorry you are sad, not sure what your roomies are thinking because I think you are awesome and seriously you can't always be spiritual sometimes you just have to let loose and have fun! Tara
